1st Pic of Sam Jackson as The Octopus!
Date: May 13, 2008
By: George 'El Guapo' Roush
Source: Comic Con
Also in the issue, a look at how Wondercon 2008 raised the roof in San Francisco. I was at this year's Wondercon and certainly no roofs were raised as far as I could tell. Maybe a brick fell off the side of the building but that's about it.
There's also a big interview with Frank Miller, who has managed to level up to Demi-God status without ever having to play a module or roll a 20s die.
More features include Comic Con 2008's special guests letting us know what they're reading, an article on costume construction for all of you special needs people who insist on dressing up like a super hero or anime character, embarrassing both yourself and your family name.
Rounding out the 10.65 mb PDF download are Comic Con tips and tricks for you first timers who feel like being fashionable in your outdated Venom t-shirts, and a rundown of the conventions exhibitors and artists.
Click the pic to be taken to the website, then click that same pic to download the issue. It's fun fun fun for all!!

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