This summer Colin Farrell stepped into the amnesiac action hero role originated by Arnold Schwarzenegger in Total Recall. This fall Karl Urban will take to theaters in Dredd, playing a part previously defined by Sylvester Stallone and Richard Waters. And next summer Joel Kinnaman will be the new (and improved?) Robocop, following in the clunking footsteps of Peter Weller and Robert John Burke. But beyond that John Travolta could re-define the role originated by Mitch Cohen in 1987's The Toxic Avenger.
Obviously, the last possibility is strange on a few levels. First up, when a reboot is discussed, it's often with a mind to bring in young audience unfamiliar with the prior version. To attract this crowd, it's frequently a young, and often rising star that is attached to the project, not an established and aging A-lister. Then, there's the fact that of all the titles above The Toxic Avenger is by far the one that seems least likely to attract a mainstream audience. And yet Twitch reports industry tracking site It's On the Grid has Travolta attached to star in the reboot of the cult classic about a mutant and his mop destined for greatness!
It's worth noting, the item doesn't say what role Travolta would play, and as I outlined above, it seems highly doubtful that he'd play Toxie. More likely, he'll play some sort of bloated villain. But despite its B-movie origins, this Toxic Avenger is looking to avoid campiness as the project is described as an action-comedy remake in the vein of The Mask, basically a comedy meant to appeal to a broad audience. Though comedy is not exactly Travolta's strong suit (Old Dogs, Wild Hogs), but he made for a wily and captivatingly over-the-top baddie in Oliver Stone's Savages, so maybe this casting news isn't so crazy after all.
Hot Tub Time Machine helmer Steve Pink will directThe Toxic Avenger reboot, which he co-wrote with Daniel Mitchell. There's no word on when the film may lens. Author: Kristy Puchko
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